
Monthly Archives: November 2016

“The way to carry coffee is not to look at it.”

I was working at Bartlett Billiards and had just taken a cup of coffee to a customer playing on table five. I felt like I was going to spill the drink for the entire trip. The owner, Mike, shared this table-serving jujitsu with me when I walked back behind the counter.

He was right.

Bartlett Billiards

Bartlett Billiards

In my home, I’m the coffee maker. Each morning I pour my coffee first, then Donna’s, and finally our oldest daughter’s. I carry three different coffee mugs each day. Often, when carrying Donna’s, I’m walking in the dark. She’s just getting into the shower and I’m taking her mug to the bedroom so that it’s ready for her quiet time. In the darkness, I can’t see the mug. I have to trust that by not looking, I’m not spilling.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (NASB).”

So much of our relationship with Christ is based on those things we cannot see. Yet, we know them to be true. Faith is trust. Faith doesn’t double check or nag. Faith doesn’t say, “I knew you’d take care it, but I just needed to make sure for myself.” Faith believes.

The way to live with faith is not to look at it.

Today, if I look at the coffee mug, it means that I’m not trusting the lesson I learned over twenty years ago. I know that not looking means I won’t spill.

If you are a Christian, then you don’t have to make sure that God is with you. You’ve already gotten to know Him. You repented of your sin because you realized your life fell short of His glory. You placed your faith in Christ as Lord because you understood that Jesus died and rose again, proving Himself to be God in the flesh. Those facts alone should bolster your faith when walking in the darkness.

In Deuteronomy 31:6 and 31:8, Moses told Israel and its new leader Joshua that God “will not fail you or forsake you (NASB).” The writer of Hebrews applied this promise to all believers when he wrote in 13:5, “Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU (NASB).”

If God is with you, He’s with you. He is faithful because He is God.

Don’t doubt what you already know.

You’re not going to spill.